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Grief Support Groups:

Hospice & Palliative Care of California support groups offered by Hospice & Palliative Bereavement Services provide information and guidance to those experiencing grief and loss.

Grief is a complex and challenging emotion that individuals may experience after the loss of a loved one. It can manifest in various ways, including feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion. Many people find solace and support in attending grief support groups, where they can connect with others who have also experienced loss and receive guidance from trained professionals.

Our team at Hospice & Palliative Care of California’s goal is to cover these main objectives through our grief and counseling support groups:

  • To provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to express their emotions and share their experiences related to grief and loss.
  • Offer emotional support: Create a space where participants can openly discuss their feelings and receive empathy from others who understand their pain.
  • Provide information: Educate participants about the grieving process, common reactions to loss, and coping strategies to help them navigate through their grief journey.
  • Foster connection: Facilitate opportunities for participants to form connections with others who have experienced similar losses, encouraging a sense of community and understanding.
  • Promote healing: Assist participants in finding healthy ways to cope with grief, promoting their overall well-being and facilitating the healing process.

Hospice & Palliative Bereavement Services

Current Ongoing Support Groups led by Spiritual Counselor & Bereavement Coordinator, Garrett Erickson

  • Hope & Healing Grief Group 1: Led by our Spiritual Counselor & Bereavement Coordinator Garrett Erickson during the 4th Monday of every Month at Ivy Park of San Juan Capistrano, 32200 Del Obispo St, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675.

Upcoming Support Groups

  • Hope & Healing Grief Group 2: open to the public, drop- in program & no pre-registration required
    • Dates: Third Wednesday, every month beginning June 19, 2024
    • Location: San Juan Community Center- Conference Room at 25925 Camino Del Avion
    • Time: 10:00-11:30 am
    • Group Facilitator: Garrett Erickson

Register for a Grief Support Group

If you would like to register or get more information about one of our grief support groups, please fill out the form below.

hospice woman with her caregiver smiling